ComboCurve: ARIES Import - Scenario and/or Forecasts Methods

ComboCurve: ARIES Import - Scenario and/or Forecasts Methods

ComboCurve: ARIES Import - Scenario and/or Forecasts Methods


Click on the hamburger icon at the top of any ComboCurve screen and then select Data Import

Next, select CREATE DATA IMPORT ==> New ARIES Import (.accdb or .mdb)

Note on the above snip that subsequent imports of headers or production (monthly and/or daily) can be done via "Regular Import (.csv)".  These can update or overwrite any current information.  Make sure to select "Data Source" = "ARIES" in order to connect the Chosen ID to ARIES PROPNUM!

Next, select CREATE.  Note that "Data Source" is grayed out since it is ALWAYS "ARIES".  You can give the import a reference name but note that this is not the name of the project, only a name that can be easily referred to if it is ever needed to refer back to for mappings, etc at a later date.  Leaving the default-date-time-stamp is fine at this step.

Then the import screen will appear and it is a 3-step process: Upload, Mapping and Import.  These are described below and you can move from one to the other as you satisfy each one.


Select or drag and drop an -unzipped- .accdb or .mdb Access file that contains a valid ARIES project into the * ARIES DB box.  Note that just because a file is Access, it might not be a valid ARIES project so review in ARIES or send to CC for review via a ticket submission. 

Search the Knowledge Base for ComboCurve: ARIES - Preparing and Transferring Access databases (.accdb or .mdb) for documentation on how to prepare for import, etc.

This is optional but on the box on the right, you can also (at the time of upload) attach a valid ARIES "OUTSIDEFILE" (usually with a ".A" extension) that is referred to via a FILE keyword in ARIES economics lines and contain things like prices, differentials, production taxes that can be edited outside of ARIES and/or Access.  These must be zipped together even if it is only a single file.

When ready, denoted by the uploaded file name appearing in the box above, click on the blue UPLOAD button. A progress bar will appear to show transfer progress in the box and then a green bar at the top to show extraction progress.  This may take some time.


Once finished, the progress selection will move to Mapping which itself is broken up into 3 sections: Headers, Production Data (Monthly) and Production Data (Daily).  All three must be satisfied to move on.

The items on the left are ARIES Headers and CC Headers are on the right.  You can drag and drop either direction to map headers for the contained database fields for all included wells.  ARIES PROPNUM auto-populate to CHOSEN ID and also ARIES ID so no need to map those.  You can also map PROPNUM to a secondary header if you wish but that is optional.  Also optional is any other header.  Only items highlighted in purple MUST be satisfied such as Surface Longitude when Surface Latitude is mapped (ie, you must have a Long to match the Lat).  The funnel icons at top of each section allow selecting/deselecting only those fields that have already been mapped or conversely that have yet to be mapped.  This makes it easier to see what you have already done or pare down to what you need to still do.  You can also type in search fields to view ONLY desired fields to map to make it easier to find desired matches.

Note that thought should be put into the mapping for things such as well names.  Does ARIES Well Name go to CC Well Name or Lease Name or is it a custom renamed header in ARIES and/or in CC.  Management of CC Custom headers can be done on the hamburger icon on the company screen.  Optionally, Project Custom Headers may be created and used to house headers later after the project is finished importing.  Another thing to watch out for is mismatches on units, for example: Total Proppant Intensity (lb/ft) should not necessarily go into Total Proppant (lb).  Also, take care to consider data types, for example: dates can go into text fields but not vice-versa (types are: text, date, number, boolean)

There are controls at the top for mapping:
  1. RESET MAPPINGS - Start over mapping from scratch
  2. MAP SUGGESTED - This is a great place to start!  Click this and all exact matches on header names will be auto-mapped (underscores are treated as spaces) and many other obvious selections are made automatically
  3. SAVE MAPPINGS - Save the mappings you have made currently to be reused on subsequent db imports (name appropriately for later recal)
  4. LOAD MAPPINGS - Pull a saved mapping to be reused here on this db import
  5. EXPORT MAPPINGS - Export the mappings to a .xls file to disseminate or keep a permanent record
Once you are happy with your header mappings, you can move on to the Monthly or Daily Production sections.  These also auto-map PROPNUM to Chosen ID but unlike headers, at least one selection must be made for Oil, Gas or Water.  Caveat: some ARIES dbs use different names for modeled production such as GAS, SOLD_GAS, PRODUCED_GAS, etc so take care in mapping the streams that represent the forecasted projects used for economics into the CC defaults.

Note: As mentioned above, subsequent imports can be done at any time if you drop out AC_PROPERTY, AC_PRODUCT and/or AC_DAILY from Access so feel free to spend as much or little time on mapping as you want.

Once Finished on all three sections, click COMPLETE MAPPING > at the bottom, right of the screen to move on to the next section.


This is the area to make selections for the project as to what will be imported. 

Enter the ComboCurve Project Name in the field of the snip above ==> This will be the official project name

Note that there is no "ARIES Project" field.  This is used in ARIES to house limited well selections but must be managed by re-creating the ARIES SST (Select Sort & Totals) filters in the scenario or by deleting wells after import.  By default, ALL wells housed in the Access db will be imported.  On the CC Forecast set and/or Scenario(s), wells may or may not show up there depending on whether they have valid data in those areas.  If you want to add a well that has no ARIES forecast to the forecast set, that may be done by editing the forecast set after import for instance.

Select Scenarios - You can select one (recommended) or more scenarios to be brought into the project.  The number allowed is up to 10 but is based on the size of the project that is being imported.  Very large projects may limit down to a minimum of 2 but subsequent uploads may be combined with "CC Merge Project", etc.  As can also subsequent imports of forecasts via scenario or ARIES Econ Data (.txt) uploads.  See the KB doc on this subject for detailed explanation).

Select Setups - You are only ever allowed a single setup for any db import.  These house things such as Aggregation Dates (ARIES Effective Dates), etc that can change project economics but are easily re-created in most instances by CC General Options selections in the scenario.  In some cases, ARIES has common or default lines housed in Settings that can make large changes to the db.  This may be re-modeled via other techniques in CC.

Only Import forecast - If you are only interested in bringing in the forecasts (along with any historical production), this will speed up import.  This button is for import via MS Access imports whereas .txt imports can be done as described above also.

Create ELTS on Import - This function is feature-flagged for limited release as is is in beta testing at the moment.  It makes CC ELTs (Embedded Lookup Tables) from ARIES SIDEFILES and LOOKUPS rather than flattening those values to more simple economics lines.  This can be troublesome due to the disparate nature of the two programs but CC will continue to develop techniques to make this more robust.


Finally, click START IMPORT and the process will begin digesting the db and creating a CC project.  Progress can be viewed in the bell icon at the top-right of the screen.  Very large and complex dbs may take some time to complete and occasionally are too large to process in the most extreme cases.  If that happens, submit a ticket and we can review and help facilitate import.

Once completed, metrics on the import will appear on what was imported. Note that "Failed" production is nothing to worry about since it just denotes production PROPNUMs with NULL records (no valid production or zero placeholders).

If any errors were encountered during the process which the handler could report on, you will see DOWNLOAD ERROR REPORT no longer grayed out.  This can be downloaded and analyzed in Excel.  However, economic comparison between the two programs is a much better way to analyze and QC so see the Knowledge Base for files needed to facilitate this as well as training videos on how-to.

Finally, once imported, CC "lands" on the newly imported project so you can navigate to any of the modeled items to review, run econ, edit models, etc.  See the Knowledge Base for discussion of any "Unsupported Items" in ARIES imports and several other discussions.  As always, feel free to submit a ticket if you require any information or assistance or have any concerns/problems.

Import/export forecasts for ARIES in .txt format

There is a Knowledge Base article in the Forecast Section titled ComboCurve: ARIES - Importing and Exporting Forecasts via .txt in the Forecast Module that describes the workflows for importing ARIES forecasts for use in CC and for exporting from CC to ARIES.