ComboCurve: ARIES Import/Export Conversions – Currently Unsupported Items

ComboCurve: ARIES Import/Export Conversions – Currently Unsupported Items

The current version of the front-end ARIES import interface handles the majority of ARIES database imports and exports. Some of the more complex and less commonly used syntax, especially certain overlay definitions, might not be currently handled, especially using custom streams. This guide provides a high-level overview of what comes across to ComboCurve, what comes across indirectly, and what might not come across.  The ARIES import database must be a Microsoft Access database with either an .accdb or .mdb file extension type. The import does not support any other ARIES database extensions except for .A outsidefiles. The database must also not be corrupted or broken. If a database doesn’t open or run in ARIES then it may not import into ComboCurve. ARIES “Verify or Upgrade Databases” may be used to identify problems. 

Optional Tables: AC_PRODUCT, AC_DAILY

Currently Unsupported Items 

  1. Across sections 
    1. Import/Export of Group Economics - Need to be re-made in each platform upon transfer
    2. Import/Export of Incrementals - Need to be re-made in each platform upon transfer
    3. Discounting - only exact match is ARIES Monthly = CC Yearly (N=1) w/ mid-month 
    4. MB, MMF - make changes to time-series triggers using amt product produced 
    5. Import of certain methods of escalations: per line changes, etc, but most are supported. Beginning of period needs to be translated to end. 
    6. No export of escalations currently supported 
    7. Canadian Economic - keyword, streams, etc 
    8. Fixed Override values for lookups - those not beginning w/ "@"
    9. Export of sidefiles/lookups without flattening!  Although this should be available next release.
  2. Section 2 – Misc 
    1. Delay on ENDDATE - these import and reconnect between wells fine but the DELAY keyword does not import.
    2. NOADD - use streams to calc and then zero them out 
    3. P(S), RISK - Weighting & Risking of cases via these keywords although this is usually an easy remodel
  3. Section 3 – ARIES Modeler (no support) 
  4. Section 4 – Production 
    1. Rate and ratio in one forecast or 2+ separate forecast lines for the same product 
    2. WELLS & WLS are supported in CC Risking Wells but are translated from ARIES OIL/GAS/NGL to CC generic wells (not product-based)
    3. (coming soon) Custom phases that can be renamed, forecasted, ratioed (propagate through econ sections). Note that exports to ARIES often use custom phases for duplicate keywords with disparate adjustments. 
    4. CUR/ - Curtailment although a workaround exists using "SI Period" in risking. 
    5. CPX - Exponential decline when reserves and life are known 
    6. SED - Stretched Exponential Decline 
    7. LIN & LOG CUM not supported in CC so imports substituted to LIN & LOG TIME 
    8. FILE, XL, LOADXL - external Excel or text file (except .A Outsidefiles which we do support if supplied).  Manual copy/paste needed to bring into CC.
    9. Volumetric Forecasting LOAD Lines in prod section - manual remodel needed upon transfer, bringing in as production is needed 
  5. Section 5 – Prices (Nothing significant) 
  6. Section 6 – Expenses 
    1. Switching time series by two different methods (Date then Rate) 
    2. Export of PA Impact Fee
  7. Section 7 – Ownership 
    1. Multiple NET lines or NET & OWN combinations  
    2. LSE/OWN is handled but combines ORRI into a single NRI 
    3. REVOWN - Use a different ownership to calculate payout than modeled entity 
    4. SSR - Sliding Scale Royalties 
    5. Custom stream-based reversion triggers (such as removing expenses or prod taxes from payout calc)
  8. Section 8 – Investments 
    1. Esoteric items like MIX or tax treatment (manual remodel); NET method 
  9. Section 9 – Overlays 
    1. Many transforms are supported, especially if they are simple selections in CC 
    2. Anything using custom streams or complex, multi-line transforms are not 
    3. Export of simple triggers in CC are problematic since ARIES has only one bucket for OIL expenses for example.  So if you make oil G&P unshrunk and oil OPC shrunk, ARIES overlay transforms may not handle this bifurcation)