ComboSync Agent Installation Guide

ComboSync Agent Installation Guide

ComboSync Agent Installation Guide


Application Server




Windows 10/11, Windows Server 2016+


5+ for the installation/updating part

CPU core



8+ GB

Disk space

600 MB + about 2 GB for logs

Networking / Required outbound traffic

Data source


ComboSync Backend

Windows AD Managed Service Account (gMSA)

This section is recommended for AD environments only. You can use another type of user.

1.         Install the PowerShell Module “ActiveDirectory” on the Application server, if needed

             Run as administrator:

      Get-WindowsFeature | Where name -like RSAT-AD-PowerShell | Install-WindowsFeature

2.         Create Managed Service Account in the AD (gMSA)

             Run as administrator on the Application server or AD server (replace CUSTOMER_DOMAIN and AD group “Domain Computers”):

      Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime ((get-date).addHours(-10))

New-ADServiceAccount -Name ComboSyncService -DNSHostName ComboSyncService.CUSTOMER_DOMAIN -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "Domain Computers"

Set-ADServiceAccount -Identity ComboSyncService -KerberosEncryptionType AES128,AES256

3.         Install Managed Service Account on all Application server(s)

             Run as administrator:

      Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity ComboSyncService

4.         Update the Group policy on the Application server

      gpupdate /force

Machine for the ComboCurve Windows Service without Powershell 5.x

1.         Install Windows Management Framework 5.1


Windows Service Installation

1.         Copy installation package to Windows Machine

2.         Unzip installation package

3.         Check Carbon.dll and unblock if needed

4.         Run as administrator powershell script install.ps1

1.         Set Agent’s Instance Name (optional)

           Use for multiple instances on 1 Windows Machine

2.         Set Agent’s Registration Key (required)

           Get from ComboCurve

3.         Set Agent’s Account (optional)

           Default: LocalSystem

           Local account: user

          Local account is created if it doesn’t exist

           Domain accout: domain\user

           Domain managed service account: domain\serviceaccount$

4.         Set Agent Account Password (required if Agent’s Account is set)

5.         Set Target folder (optional)

           Default: C:\ComboCurveData

           It must be different from the installation folder

6.         Set Proxy server

Folder Structure

└── ComboCurveData
    ├── Backup
       ├── appsettings.json
       └── DataSync.Agent.Cli.exe
    ├── Logs
       ├── YYYY-MM-DD_00.log
       └── ...
    ├── Updates
       ├── appsettings.json
       ├── Carbon.dll
       ├── DataSync.Agent.Cli.exe
       ├── log_sent.txt
       └── update.ps1
    ├── appsettings.json
    └── DataSync.Agent.Cli.exe

Service Configuration


           All settings are set during the installation

           Log files location can be changed, but write permissions are required

           Proxy settings can be changed

           All changes require a service restart

   "Logging":  {
      "File":  {
         "RootPath":  "C:\\ComboCurveData_PROD\\Logs",
   "Proxy":  {
      "UseProxy":  false,
      "ProxyServerScheme":  "",
      "ProxyServerAddress":  "",
      "ProxyServerPort":  "",
      "UseProxyCredentials":  false,
      "ProxyUsername":  "",
      "ProxyPassword":  ""


Test connection to the ComboSync Backend

.\DataSync.Agent.Cli.exe ping

Changing the service account password

           Don’t forget to update the service logon password in the Windows Service configuration

          Name: ComboCurve Data…

           Don’t forget to update the service logon password in the Windows Task Scheduler

          Name: Task Scheduler Library / ComboCurve Data Updater…

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