ComboCurve: Type Curve Charts and Forms Saved Configurations

ComboCurve: Type Curve Charts and Forms Saved Configurations

Type Curve Configurations

In the Type Curve module users can save their current chart views by clicking the chart configuration button in the top right corner of the page just under the question mark. Users can also save their form configurations by clicking on the form configuration button on the fit tab in type curves.


This allows users to save their current view or select views from other users in the environment. In addition, users can select other’s saved form configurations which will allow them to run the same input parameters as other team members. This can be very useful when trying to maintain consistency between team members.  We have also added “Admin” configurations, these can be managed by your company admins for standardized viewing or input parameter during workflows.


Users will also be able to search for other team members saved configurations by simply searching the users name or the name of the saved configuration (be sure to included “other users” under created by).

If an admin is wanting to create a form or chart configuration to be shared amongst the team. They will set the view or form as they want and click the configuration button, type in a new configuration name and check the box at the bottom of the the pop up “Endorse as Admin with Administrator Permissions” this will label the configuration an “admin” configuration that can be used by everyone in the environment.


Users can copy other’s configuration as well as default them. User will not be able to delete other’s configuration or edit them. User will be able to edit and delete their own configurations. 

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