ComboCurve: Review Forecasts in Scenario Page

ComboCurve: Review Forecasts in Scenario Page

ComboCurve: Review Forecasts in Scenario Page

In this article we will discuss how to select your forecasts for wells, along with being able to edit or view them one last time.

Choose Forecast

Once a forecast has been created for all of the wells in your scenario, you can navigate to the three dots next to forecast and click "Choose Forecast". This will pull up the list of different forecasts that have all of these well, and the forecast you want to apply can be selected. You can choose which wells will get their forecast put on them by checking the boxes on the far left side. If the top box is selected, this represents all of them. There are other options such as "Choose Lookup Table" or "Choose TC Lookup Table", and there will be other documentation for those outside of this article.

View Forecast

After the forecast has been applied, you can verify this is the correct one by navigating to the well of interest and clicking on the 3 dots on the forecast name. This will pull up another small menu of options where you can "Choose Forecast" again, but now we can "View Forecast" as well. This will pull up the forecast itself and look very similar to the forecast module. You are able to mess with your chart headers, streams that are displayed, and even see your forecast parameters.

 From the 3 dots above your forecast you are also able to view the comments on this well, download the forecast, and look at the well info.

Edit Forecast

Now that you are able to view the well, if you would like to make some changes to the forecast you can do that here. If you were to edit the forecast by clicking on the blue "edit" button it will take you back to the forecast module. After you make changes and save it, the changes will automatically be applied within the scenario without having to re apply the forecast.

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