ComboCurve: Reserves Category

ComboCurve: Reserves Category

In this article we will be covering the Reserves Category assumption in the scenario page.

Note: These assumptions are not the same as the PRMS headers you may have applied to your wells. Even if your headers categorize wells by their PRMS classification, you will need to create & apply Reserves Category models to your wells in order to aggregate by the Reserves Category assumption. This model also has no bearing on economic calculations - it is intended to be used for categorization and aggregation purposes.

SPE PRMS governs the definitions of reserves categories and ComboCurve allows selection so that categorization of economics and rollups may be made based on like groupings.  (click for more info)
    1. SPE Petroleum Resources Management System governs the definitions of reserves categories, and ComboCurve allows selection so that categorization of economics and rollups may be made based on like groupings in three hierarchical selections.
      1. PRMS Class
        1. Reserves
        2. Contingent
        3. Prospective
      2. PRMS Category
        1. Proved
        2. Probable
        3. Possible
      3. PRMS Sub Category
        1. Producing
        2. Non-Producing
        3. Shut-In
        4. Temp Aband
        5. P&A
        6. Behind Pipe
        7. Injection
        8. Undeveloped
        9. Need Workover
        10. Non Well
Note: The above are the only selection criteria (no changes allowed in CC). These export to ARIES along with a four character shorthand (ie, 1PDP, 2DSI, 3PUD) for ease of select/sort.

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