Then the import screen will appear and it is a 2-step process: Upload and Import. These are described below and you can move from one to the other as you satisfy each one. Note that Mapping is not needed since PHDWin auto-imports all available headers and production headers to available CC mappings by default.
Select or drag and drop valid files with a .phz extenstion (not .zip secondary zipping).
This is the area to make selections for the project as to what will be imported.
Enter the ComboCurve Project Name in the field of the snip above ==> This will be the official project name
Select Partnerships - You can select one (recommended) or more partnerships to be brought into the project as CC scenarios. The number allowed is up to 10 but is based on the size of the project that is being imported. Very large projects may limit the number allowed for selection but subsequent uploads may be combined with "CC Merge Project", etc. Subsequent imports of forecasts via scenario or PHDWin (.csv) uploads can be done. See the KB doc on this subject for detailed explanation. Click Apply when done.
Finally, click START IMPORT and the process will begin digesting the db and creating a CC project. Progress can be viewed in the bell icon at the top-right of the screen. Very large and complex dbs may take some time to complete and occasionally are too large to process in the most extreme cases. If that happens, submit a ticket and we can review and help facilitate import.
Once completed, metrics on the import will appear on what was imported. Note that "Failed" production is nothing to worry about since it just denotes production PROPNUMs with NULL records (no valid production or zero placeholders).
If any errors were encountered during the process which the handler could report on, you will see DOWNLOAD ERROR REPORT no longer grayed out. This can be downloaded and analyzed in Excel. However, economic comparison between the two programs is a much better way to analyze and QC so see the Knowledge Base for files needed to facilitate this as well as training videos on how-to.
Finally, once imported, CC "lands" on the newly imported project so you can navigate to any of the modeled items to review, run econ, edit models, etc. See the Knowledge Base for discussion of any "Unsupported Items" in ARIES imports and several other discussions. As always, feel free to submit a ticket if you require any information or assistance or have any concerns/problems.