ComboCurve: PHDWIN Forecast to ComboCurve Forecast Parameter Conversions & Importing

ComboCurve: PHDWIN Forecast to ComboCurve Forecast Parameter Conversions & Importing

Importing PHDWin Forecast Parameters into ComboCurve

In this article we will discuss the differences between PHDWin forecast parameters and ComboCurve parameters, how to convert between the two, and finally how to import projections from PHDWin to ComboCurve.

ComboCurve will automatically convert PHDWin format forecast parameters upon import. The only things you need to do prior to import is download your projections, and ensure column A, UniqueID, matches the ChosenID of the wells in your forecast
NOTE: The projections export in PHDWin is located under Reports and View -> Select and Run -> Under Excel Spreadsheets select 'Projection Edit' -> Run

After this, navigate to your target forecast, navigate to the Forecast Options dropdown, select Import Forecast, select PHDWin as your source, choose your desired resolution, then import.

NOTE: Make sure that you are selecting the correct file when importing your PHDWin forecasts and also make sure the target wells exist in the forecast you're importing to. If not, our importer validation will catch it and alert you accordingly.

Converting Between Forecast Parameter Formats

As mentioned above, our frontend forecast importer will parse and convert your parameters automatically. If you'd like to convert between the two manually, please consider the following:
  1. Converting decline parameters
    1. PHDwin is based on tangent based decline, while ComboCurve uses a secant based decline - and the file must account for this conversion.
    2. In the Di Eff-Sec column of the ComboCurve file, enter the following formula: ((1-(((1-(M4*LN(1-(N4/100))))^(-1/M4))))*100) , where column M is the Nfactor, and column N is the Decl parameter. 
  2. The b factor is obtained directly from the Nfactor
  3. Realized D Sw-Eff-Sec is obtained directly from DeclMin
  4. For multi-segment forecasts, successive segments must contain a start date equal to the prior segments end date + 1 day.
    1. As PHDwin does not include this in the export, this must be done by the user in the ComboCurve file.