ComboCurve: Mosaic Forecast Import to CC via .csv - Macro Enabled Excel Converter
We have written a macro-enabled Excel Spreadsheet that uses pasting and VBA to convert and parse forecasts exported from Mosaic into a .csv file that ComboCurve can use to import as a forecast set. The Excel file is attached below. Make sure to right-click and Properties==>Unblock after download to enable macros. See the instructions tab in that file which is also echoed below:
1) Paste Mosaic Exported Forecast data to "Paste Mosaic Data Here" sheet in (yellow). Make sure to delete the sample data or overwrite.
2) If you have already created container wells in CC and want to cross-reference the INPTID with the Mosaic ID, paste that into "Mosaic-INPT Reference" starting in cell A2
3) Run Macro by clicking Control-J
4) Make sure to only ever use the automatic save-as dialog box w/ csv and do not overwrite the original template file or change this workbook in any way or it will break the macro.
5) Import the resulting csv to CC via the Forecast Page ==> Forecast Options ==> Import Forecast - using ComboCurve (Monthly)
Submit a ticket asking for Alan Harris to review if help is needed. Importer is trained on limited data and forecast line types so should be considered (beta).
Below is a video tutorial on the process: