ComboCurve: Mass Export/Import Assumptions

ComboCurve: Mass Export/Import Assumptions

ComboCurve: Mass Export/Import Assumptions

In this article we will discuss mass importing and exporting from the scenario main page.

Model management, analysis and preservation is done through the EXPORTS and IMPORTS buttons at the top of the Scenario screen.  Management for mass-editing and assigning models for reimport as project or unique.  Analysis for interpretation of models, how they are assigned and data contained therein.  Preservation for backup, restore and archival of models assigned and data contained in models.

Mass Export Assumptions 

A separate tab for each model category is output to a .xlsx file or .csv for each well currently selected in the scenario: 

Mass Import Assumptions

 The exported multi-tab .xlsx can be reimported for:
  1. New Qualifiers - Allows a new qualifier to automatically be generated and the imported models assigned to that qualifier.  Alternatively, you can manage this manually by creating a new qualifier and then selecting it as the current when importing.
  1. Generate as Unique - Reimports any models whether Project or Unique as all-unique.  This will convert all models assigned to the purple, unique models flattened to every property.  It is useful to do this if you plan on managing economic inputs for that tab (model assumption) in Excel thereafter rather than Project (assigning limited models based on header criteria to specific property in tranches of like-in-kind).
Note that further model management can be performed in the DELETE MODELS and is recommended to do often to not allow multitudinous extraneous to grow the project size to unmanageable levels.  The button located: Project Landing page ==> Settings ==> DELETE MODELS

Assigning or changing which model is applied to a property can be done by copying that project model into the sheet with the INPT ID on those lines (and not on any other model for instance) and then reimporting without the "Unique" box checked.
See the ELT article on how to assign ELTs to wells via export/reimport

Export Model Names to Excel 

Single-page export with headers for each model tab with the model names that are assigned to each property.  See above on Mass Import Assumptions bullet on how to change models applied.  This button is useful for archival purposes however.

Export Rendered Lookup Tables to CSV

Interprets the Lookup Tables to see which model is applied via the selected header assignment.  See section on Scenario and Type-Curve Lookups for explanation on this functionality.