Within ComboCurve, you can access the map functionalities in two separate places: the Map Settings and the Map Filter. Although they both have common functionalities, they can be used in different circumstances.
Map Settings
You can excess the map settings by clicking on the side bar menu on the upper left corner and selecting Map Settings. If your wells include latitude and longitude data in the well header, you should see them in the map. For horizontal wells, in order to see a "stick" you will need both surface latitude/longitude and toe latitude/longitude. For vertical wells, all that's needed is surface latitude and longitude.
When accessing the Map Settings page, the map will pull wells from the project you're on. However, if you want to include all of your company level wells, you can un-toggle the "Scope to current project".
The main use case for the Map Settings page is to import, create, and export shapefiles. The left side of the page represents all of the Layers (shapefiles) available in this project. You can toggle the layers on and off to see the shapefile.
Importing Shapefiles
To import a shapefile, you can click on "ADD LAYER" right below your project name. In the following menu you can then provide a name, preferred color and the scope. If you choose a Project scope, the shapefile will only be available in the project you're currently on whereas if you select Company, it will be available in any project. Next, you'll need to upload the file which has to follow these rules:
- Must be .zip
- The zip should only contain one shapefile
- Must include all of the .shp .dbf .prj .shx files
Once you select UPLOAD, the shapefile name should appear under the Layers column where you can toggle it on.
Creating Shapefiles
You can create a shapefile from scratch in two ways:
- Radius Tool (Circle Icon): The point you click represents the center of the circle, my moving your cursor you can increase/decrease the radius around the center.
- Polygon Tool (Rectangle Icon): This allows to select multiple points where each is a corner of a polygon.
- The Polygon tool and Radius tool allow the user to snap to existing shapefiles with ease.
Once you're satisfied with the shape, you can click on the floppy disk icon to save the shapefile. This would bring up a similar page to the Import shapefile, where you can select the name, color, and scope. The newly created shapefile will appear under the Layers column. If you want to instead delete the shape on the map, you can click on the trash can icon.
If you would like to change the name of a shape file you may simply click on the name type in a new name and click update.
If you want to fill the shape file this can be done by clicking on the shapefile and in the layer settings a toggle can be turned on called Color Fill. This will fill the shape file with the selected color. Opacity can be edited to control how opaque the shape appears.
Exporting Shapefiles
After creating a shapefile, in the bottom left corner of the page, you will see the option to export the file. This would generate a .zip export with the shapefile created. Exporting shape files will be named after the shapefile they represent from ComboCurve.
Header, Size, and Color
Within the Map settings, it is possible to add labels, color by headers, and create bubble charts.
- Labels (Categorical Headers Only)
- Select a header in the "Wells Label Header". This would display the header value for each well in the map
- Color By (Categorical Headers Only)
- Select a header from the "Wells Color" to color by the wells in the map
- Bubble Chart (Numerical Headers Only)
- Select a header from the "Wells Size" to create a bubble chart. Once selected the header, the legend with each size reference would be displayed below.
To create a heatmap from a numerical header, you can click on the three wavy lines as displayed below. You can then click on settings to determine:
- Grid Type
- No interpolation: if grid cells are not adjacent to each other, there will be a blank space
- Interpolation: if there are blank spaces, their value will be interpolated by nearby grid cells and included in the map
- Header
- Grid Cell Size (miles)
Once selected your options, you can click on save and generate to visualize the heatmap. A legend will be placed on the bottom left corner of the map showing the different percentiles of the header value with the respective color.
Note: Heatmaps can also be generated in the Wells Filter page.
Map Filter
Map functions can also be used to filter to a subset of wells. To open the map filter, you'll first need to access the filter page which is located in several modules by the funnel icon. Once in the filter page you can access the map by clicking on the globe icon as shown below.
Once the map appears, there are several methods to filter down:
- Polygon Tool (rectangle icon on the top right side of the page)
- This allows you to draw a polygon on the map. After drawing the polygon, you can either save the drawing as a shapefile (floppy disk icon), or click on apply at the bottom left of the page to filter on the wells within the drawn shape.
- Radius Tool (circle icon on the top right side of the page)
- This allows you to draw a circle on the map. After drawing the circle, you can either save the drawing as a shapefile (floppy disk icon), or click on apply at the bottom left of the page to filter on the wells within the drawn shape.
- Use existing shapefile:
- You can use shapefiles already loaded in ComboCurve to filter on a subset of wells. To do so:
- Click on the three rectangles right below the well count
- Search for the shapefile name
- Toggle on the shapefile to see it on the map
- Click on the Select Feature icon
- Hover over the shapefile and click on it
- Note: You can always use the map filter in combination with the header filter. For example you can first filter on by 'Landing Zone' to get only Wolfcamp A wells and then use the map tools to draw a shape around a subset of the WCA wells.
Export Map
In both the Map Settings and Map filter page, you can can export the map as a PDF or JPEG file by clicking on the printer icon at top right of the page.