Forecast Rollups
In this article, we'll be looking at rollups, aggregate rollups, and comparing rollups in the Forecasting module.
ComboCurve allows users to create aggregate gross volume profiles, otherwise known as rollups, based off of your deterministic forecasts.
Once you've ran forecasts for all of your wells, navigate to the Roll-Up dropdown in the upper righthand corner, and select Generate Roll-Up.
This will bring up a menu (see image above for reference) that allows you to indicate:
- The date range for aggregating stream types
- Whether or not to ignore forecasts prior to a specific date (similar to Actual or Forecast assumption in scenarios)
- A forecast to compare to, and whether or not to only show overlapping wells between the two forecasts
- See the section on Comparing Rollups below for more details on this!
- Stream type
- Only forecast, only production, or stitch (a combination of the two with an aligned forecast start date)
- NOTE: This aligned forecast start date is based on the latest forecast start date.
- Resolution (monthly vs. daily)
- Be wary of rolling up monthly forecasts on a daily resolution, this will likely result in stairstepping
- NOTE: We have limitations on well count thresholds for daily resolution rollups:
- For well counts <= 50, Well Count * Years <= 1000
- For well counts > 50, the date range must be < 20 Years
- Publish volumes to BigQuery by well, which writes the data of the rollup to a DB that can be retrieved via API
- For more info on this, please submit a ticket or reach out to your assigned Customer Success engineer
- Headers to use as selected criteria for aggregate rollups
- See the section on Aggregate Rollups below for more details on this!
Once you've filled the options you'd like to use to generate your rollup, you can go ahead and run the function using the Run button in the bottom right corner. This will run for a bit, and to view it simply click on the Rollup dropdown again and click View Roll-Up Chart.
Once this is ran and you've viewed it, you should have a gross volume rollup of your forecast. From this view, you can export out the raw data to Excel, toggle between monthly and daily volumes, log vs. linear Y-axis, stream type view (stitch, only forecast, only production, or all three concurrently), which streams to view (you can deselect on the Legend), and whether or not to toggle on comparison view.
NOTE: If the user is performing a roll up on daily data the user should insure all daily production values in the production table for the wells are filled out. If a null value is present in the production table that month will be ignored for that specific well to prevent improper reporting on incomplete data.
Aggregate Rollups
In addition to a base aggregate rollup of all wells, we also allow for you to break out your aggregations by up to two headers. If you navigate to the Generate Rollup form, at the bottom you have an option to add headers. See the example below.
Once you have indicated these headers and have ran the rollup, once you view it you have an option to export the aggregate rollups to CSV.
NOTE: We are not able to visualize the custom aggregations, but you can export the raw data this way.
Comparing Rollups
Lastly, we also have the capability to compare your forecast rollup volumes. On the Generate Rollup form, you have the option to select a forecast to compare to, and also indicate whether or not you only want overlapping well between the two to be rolled up.
Once you've ran the rollup with these settings and you've viewed it, you'll see that there's a Compare toggle on the top of the view. Toggling this on will trigger a view similar to the forecast comparison view, and you can export the Comparison Sheet with raw data to Excel, which also includes delta percentages for streams between forecasts!