ComboCurve: Forecast & Diagnostics Comparisons

ComboCurve: Forecast & Diagnostics Comparisons

Forecasting Comparisons

In this article we'll take a look at the comparison features of forecasting and diagnostics.

ComboCurve allows for users to visually and quantitatively compare up to three forecasts for a single well. In the forecast grid page, there is an option to 'Compare Forecast.' Clicking this prompt will bring you to a list of the forecasts in your project, where you can select up to seven different forecasts to visualize on your well profiles.

After this, selecting 'Confirm' at the bottom of the prompt will bring you back to the grid page. Here, you'll see the 1-3 comparison forecasts appear on your profiles, and in the legend you'll even see EUR deltas from the original forecast.
NOTE: These EURs are based off of the resolution of data you selected in the forecast selection screen (ie, if you have monthly and daily production data, selecting 'Monthly' will calculate your EURs based off of your monthly production data + RUR). 

Once you're in Comparison Mode, you can select 'Select Forecast' at the top of your screen to edit your forecast selections, or click 'Forecast View' to revert to your original view (these prompts can be found where the 'Compare Forecast' button was originally)

While you're in Comparison Mode, you can also choose to include these visualizations on a forecast chart export by opting to 'Include Comparison Forecast.'

The 'Compare Forecast' function isn't just limited to the main forecast grid page, you can also use it Editing page! From here, any manual edits made will dynamically change the EUR delta found in the chart legend, as well, allowing for quick-glance EUR metrics for reconciliation workflows.

Diagnostics Comparisons

Want to compare the holistic EUR/EUR% error metrics provided by our diagnostics function with another case? We've also got that base covered. After running diagnostics once (via Diagnostics Form -> Run Diagnostics), you can click the binoculars icon to select up to three forecasts to compare diagnostics with.

Once you select the forecasts you'd like to compare diagnostics with, simply rerun diagnostics (Diagnostics Form -> Run Diagnostics) to make these metrics available.

To summarize:
  1. Run diagnostics on both forecasts
  2. Select the forecast(s) you'd like to compare using the binoculars icon
  3. Rerun diagnostics
  4. Select one of the available metrics
    1. Available metrics include:
      1. (Forecast_Name) EUR (MBBL/MMCF)      *This is just the selected forecasts' EUR CDF/histogram
      2. (Forecast_Name) EUR Diff (MBBL/MMCF)      *This is an absolute delta between each well
      3. (Forecast_Name) EUR Diff (%)      *This is a percentage delta between each well
See below for example visualizations/metrics.

NOTE: Right clicking these charts will allow you to export a PDF of the visualization, export the raw data to XLSX, and also convert to a log scale for your CDF!

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