ComboCurve: Creating Single Segment (by x Segments) Arps Imports from Volumetric (ARIES, PHDWin, Spotfire, etc) through csv

ComboCurve: Creating Single Segment (by x Segments) Arps Imports from Volumetric (ARIES, PHDWin, Spotfire, etc) through csv

ARIES has volumetric forecasting by LOAD lines.  This brings in table data to the economics editor by substitution instead of or in addition to Arps parameters.  PHDWin and ComboCurve also have volumetric forecasting where you load production data into future-dates to be used in place of Arps parameters.  Other economics software follows in the same vein.  ARIES is the only software currently that can load in many different volumetric forecasts due to it's ability to tie to any table to pull data via LOAD.  However, ComboCurve solves this in a different way which also allows multiple volumetric forecasts to be placed and used on wells.  This is due to ComboCurve's ability to ingest thousands of production data points as discrete 1-month flat segments.  So, a macro-enable Excel workbook was created to facilitate the creation of Combo-Curve formatted segments for import from a simple production table.  Monthly volumes get converted to daily average volumes for each month, which is used by our forecast module to produce a valid forecast.

See the below video on the workflow.  The video is also linked in the spreadsheet.  Note, enhancements have been made since video recorded: 1) Added 3-stream oil, gas, water where 3 passes made to pick up each, You don't have to populate all 3, just the ones you want.  2) 100% blanks for any INPTID and/or Phase will be skipped.


1) Download the Excel File below
2) Enable macros by 1) Windows Explorer ==> Right Click the File ==> Properties ==> Unblock and 2) Click enable blocked content after the file is opened
3) Paste data into the yellow tab: "Data Paste Sheet" with identifier, Date in any reasonable format and any combination desired for Oil, Gas and/or Water monthly volumes
      a) You must use the INPT IDs generated from ComboCurve either for existing wells in an existing project or alternatively by importing any Chosen ID to CC (header import) and letting CC create wells which then will have the INPT IDs for you to export and lookup to this list
4) Click "Control-J" or the button to run the macro
5) Once done, the data will be converted into the tab: "CC Import Sheet" and the workbook saved.  It will also save a .csv version of this tab to the same directory as the converter spreadsheet was opened from
6) Import this file to ComboCurve Forecast Section onto a forecast set you have created or copied which has any or all desired wells (wells imported but that don't exist in the forecast will be ignored).

7) If there are any errors, an error file will be generated.  Note that if there are any existing forecasts already in the forecast set imported into, those will be overwritten but only with curves with data in the csv file imported (ie, Oil, Gas exists and Gas, Water imported, you will now have old Oil, New Gas, New Water for that well.)