ComboCurve: ARIES Export - (Blocked) When Daily Production Data Exceeds 480k Lines

ComboCurve: ARIES Export - (Blocked) When Daily Production Data Exceeds 480k Lines

If you receive an error such as this when export to ARIES .accdb:

This article describes a workflow in Excel using VBA to allow export of CC daily prod data to .csv so that it can be imported natively into ARIES.

Excel csv can't handle more than 1.048mm lines of prod
CC exports truncate over 480k lines of daily data
CC prod exports to a csv with extra info Access can't handle
Superfluous columns need to be removed.
Headers need to jibe with AC_DAILY in Access
Date format yyyy-mm-dd needs to be converted to mm/dd/yyyy

Step 1 Save the file linked below to a folder
Step 2 Put a csv file export from ComboCurve in that folder
Step 3 Press the "RUN" button to pick that file and convert
Step 4 Wait - This may take some time if the csv is large (many lines of data). File will be named "AC_DAILY.txt"
Step 4 Import to ARIES via Access

Note: The file selector no longer requires the file be named AC_DAILY or even be in the same folder as the converter, etc.

Note: ARIES exports strip out "INPT" from Chosen ID when a well is created in CC for instance.  So this macro also strips out "INPT" from Chosen ID to allow it to match up to ARIES db exported from CC.