Actual or Forecast
In this article we discuss the Actual or Forecast model in ComboCurve.
Ignore Hist Prod
Forecasts often overlap actual production records in a well. Overriding actuals with forecast may be selected in each product with the trigger below:
Ignore Hist Prod - Since CC replaces actuals with forecasts, this button is intended to cover a circumstance for which the below selections do not overlap: to ALWAYS ignore historical production. Default is No, when "Yes" is selected, all historical and future volumes in the production table will be ignored as if it does not exist. This can be used for example in the case of intermittently flowed wells that are SI until a future date in order to keep economics from being generated inadvertently.
Note: This does not affect the FPD from the Hierarchy selection in the Dates section.
Replace Actual with Forecast Beginning On
• Never: (Default) Actual production is always used for economic calculations, including future volumes found in the production table.
• As Of Date: Forecast volumes began to overwrite actual production values begins at the As Of Date
• Date: Forecast volumes began to overwrite actual production values begins on a fixed date
Note: Projects imported from other platforms might default to “Never”.
Note: Selection on this tab will also affect volumes available in the "Roll Up" feature.